Church Planting in Peckham

Connecting people to God, to one another and to the local community

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We Have Lift Off!

To change the metaphor, we’re up and running. Praise God! And as low key' launches go, that was pretty good.

There were people. In fact, we had our biggest turn out yet. Let’s get the numbers bit out of the way because I know you’re all wondering. We were 32. Of that 32 two were babes in arms and four were. But kids count, right? They were a handful of guests and it could well be that some of them will return and join us. We didn’t invite ‘wellwishers’ because they can inflate your numbers for the launch and then the week afterwards the reality hits home and it can all be a little depressing! Not all our regulars could make it. So we could have been bigger. (Oh how I’ve missed those days of counting people and the arrival of a guest being disproportionately exciting!) But the bottom line is that there were enough of us for there to be a terrific buzz in the room and what looked like lots of helpful interaction and relationships being built and developed.

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Bridge Church Peckham is part of the Co-Mission network and progressing membership of the FIEC.